
The list below is accurate as of 12/31/19.

Journal articles

Bruce, Louise C., Marieke A. Frassl, George B. Arhonditsis, Gideon Gal, David P. Hamilton, Paul C. Hanson, Amy L. Hetherington, et al. 2018. “A Multi-Lake Comparative Analysis of the General Lake Model (GLM): Stress-Testing across a Global Observatory Network.” Environmental Modelling and Software 102 (April): 274–91.

Burford, M. A., C. C. Carey, D. P. Hamilton, J. Huisman, H. W. Paerl, S. A. Wood, and A. Wulff. 2019. “Perspective: Advancing the Research Agenda for Improving Understanding of Cyanobacteria in a Future of Global Change.” Harmful Algae.

Carey, Cayelan C., Bryan L. Brown, and Kathryn L. Cottingham. 2017. “The Cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia Echinulata Increases the Stability and Network Complexity of Phytoplankton Communities.” Ecosphere 8 (7): e01830.

Carey, Cayelan C., Jonathan P. Doubek, Ryan P. McClure, and Paul C. Hanson. 2018. “Oxygen Dynamics Control the Burial of Organic Carbon in a Eutrophic Reservoir.” Limnology and Oceanography Letters 3 (3): 293–301.

Carey, Cayelan C., Ryan P. McClure, Jonathan P. Doubek, Mary E. Lofton, Nicole K. Ward, and Durelle T. Scott. 2018. “Chaoborus Spp. Transport CH 4 from the Sediments to the Surface Waters of a Eutrophic Reservoir, But Their Contribution to Water Column CH 4 Concentrations and Diffusive Efflux Is Minor.” Environmental Science & Technology 52 (3): 1165–73.

Carey, Cayelan C., Nicole K. Ward, Kaitlin J. Farrell, Mary E. Lofton, Arianna I. Krinos, Ryan P. McClure, Kensworth C. Subratie, et al. 2019. “Enhancing Collaboration between Ecologists and Computer Scientists: Lessons Learned and Recommendations Forward.” Ecosphere 10 (5): e02753.

Cobourn, Kelly M., Cayelan C. Carey, Kevin J. Boyle, Christopher Duffy, Hilary A. Dugan, Kaitlin J. Farrell, Leah Fitchett, et al. 2018. “From Concept to Practice to Policy: Modeling Coupled Natural and Human Systems in Lake Catchments.” Ecosphere 9 (5): e02209.

Doubek, Jonathan P., Kylie L. Campbell, Kaitlyn M. Doubek, Kathleen D. Hamre, Mary E. Lofton, Ryan P. McClure, Nicole K. Ward, and Cayelan C. Carey. 2018. “The Effects of Hypolimnetic Anoxia on the Diel Vertical Migration of Freshwater Crustacean Zooplankton.” Ecosphere 9 (7): e02332.

Doubek, Jonathan P., Kylie L. Campbell, Mary E. Lofton, Ryan P. McClure, and Cayelan C. Carey. 2019. “Hypolimnetic Hypoxia Increases the Biomass Variability and Compositional Variability of Crustacean Zooplankton Communities.” Water (Switzerland) 11 (10).

Doubek, Jonathan P., and Cayelan C. Carey. 2017. “Catchment, Morphometric, and Water Quality Characteristics Differ between Reservoirs and Naturally Formed Lakes on a Latitudinal Gradient in the Conterminous United States.” Inland Waters 7 (2): 171–80.

Doubek, Jonathan P., Cayelan C. Carey, Michael Lavender, Amanda K. Winegardner, Marieke Beaulieu, Patrick T. Kelly, Amina I. Pollard, Dietmar Straile, and Jason D. Stockwell. 2019. “Calanoid Copepod Zooplankton Density Is Positively Associated with Water Residence Time across the Continental United States.” Edited by Hans G. Dam. PLOS ONE 14 (1): e0209567.

Duffy, Christopher J., Hilary A. Dugan, and Paul C. Hanson. 2018. “The Age of Water and Carbon in Lake-Catchments: A Simple Dynamical Model.” Limnology and Oceanography Letters 3 (3): 236–45.

Farrell, Kaitlin J., and Cayelan C. Carey. 2018. “Power, Pitfalls, and Potential for Integrating Computational Literacy into Undergraduate Ecology Courses.” Ecology & Evolution.  17 (3): 7744–51.

Farrell, Kaitlin J., Amy D. Rosemond, John S. Kominoski, Sophia M. Bonjour, Janine Rüegg, Lauren E. Koenig, Christina L. Baker, Matt T. Trentman, Tamara K. Harms, and William H. McDowell. 2018. “Variation in Detrital Resource Stoichiometry Signals Differential Carbon to Nutrient Limitation for Stream Consumers Across Biomes.” Ecosystems 21 (8): 1676–91.

Henson, V.R., K.M. Cobourn, C.C. Carey, K.J. Boyle, M.G. Sorice, N.K. Ward, and K.C. Weathers. 2019. “Closing the Human-Nature Feedback Loop.” LakeLine 39 (3): 35–38.

Hetherington, Amy Lee, Lars G. Rudstam, Rebecca L. Schneider, Kristen T. Holeck, Christopher W. Hotaling, John E. Cooper, and James R. Jackson. 2019. “Invader Invaded: Population Dynamics of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena Polymorpha) and Quagga Mussels (Dreissena Rostriformis Bugensis) in Polymictic Oneida Lake, NY, USA (1992–2013).” Biological Invasions 21 (5): 1529–44.

Hollister, Jeffrey, and Joseph Stachelek. 2017. “Lakemorpho: Calculating Lake Morphometry Metrics in R.” F1000Research 6.

Ji, Xinde, and Kelly M. Cobourn. 2018. “The Economic Benefits of Irrigation Districts under Prior Appropriation Doctrine: An Econometric Analysis of Agricultural Land-Allocation Decisions.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue Canadienne d’agroeconomie 66 (3): 441–67.

McClure, Ryan P., Kathleen D. Hamre, B. R. Niederlehner, Zackary W. Munger, Shengyang Chen, Mary E. Lofton, Madeline E. Schreiber, and Cayelan C. Carey. 2018. “Metalimnetic Oxygen Minima Alter the Vertical Profiles of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in a Managed Freshwater Reservoir.” Science of the Total Environment 636 (September): 610–20.

Read, Emily K., Lindsay Carr, Laura De Cicco, Hilary A. Dugan, Paul C. Hanson, Julia A. Hart, James Kreft, Jordan S. Read, and Luke A. Winslow. 2017. “Water Quality Data for National-Scale Aquatic Research: The Water Quality Portal.” Water Resources Research 53 (2): 1735–45.

Richardson, David, Stephanie Melles, Rachel Pilla, Amy Hetherington, Lesley Knoll, Craig Williamson, Benjamin Kraemer, et al. 2017. “Transparency, Geomorphology and Mixing Regime Explain Variability in Trends in Lake Temperature and Stratification across Northeastern North America (1975–2014).” Water 9 (6): 442.

Rougier, Nicolas P., Konrad Hinsen, Frédéric Alexandre, Thomas Arildsen, Lorena Barba, Fabien C. Y. Benureau, C. Titus Brown, et al. 2017. “Sustainable Computational Science: The ReScience Initiative,” July.

Snortheim, Craig A., Paul C. Hanson, Katherine D. McMahon, Jordan S. Read, Cayelan C. Carey, and Hilary A. Dugan. 2017. “Meteorological Drivers of Hypolimnetic Anoxia in a Eutrophic, North Temperate Lake.” Ecological Modelling 343 (January): 39–53.

Stachelek, Joseph, Chanse Ford, Dustin Kincaid, Katelyn King, Heather Miller, and Ryan Nagelkirk. 2018. “The National Eutrophication Survey: Lake Characteristics and Historical Nutrient Concentrations.” Earth System Science Data 10 (1): 81–86.

Stachelek, Joseph, and Patricia A. Soranno. 2019. “Does Freshwater Connectivity Influence Phosphorus Retention in Lakes?” Limnology and Oceanography 64 (4): 1586–99.

Subratie, Kensworth C., Saumitra Aditya, Srinivas Mahesula, Renato Figueiredo, Cayelan C. Carey, and Paul C. Hanson. 2017. “GRAPLEr: A Distributed Collaborative Environment for Lake Ecosystem Modeling That Integrates Overlay Networks, High-Throughput Computing, and WEB Services.” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (13): e4139.

Ward, Nicole K., Leah Fitchett, Julia A. Hart, Lele Shu, Joseph Stachelek, Weizhe Weng, Yu Zhang, et al. 2018. “Integrating Fast and Slow Processes Is Essential for Simulating Human–Freshwater Interactions.” Ambio, October.

Weng, W., K.J. Boyle, K.J. Farrell, C.C. Carey, K.M. Cobourn, H.A. Dugan, P.C. Hanson, N.K. Ward, and K.C. Weathers. 2019. “Coupling Natural and Human Models in the Context of a Lake Ecosystem: Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, USA.” Ecological Economics 169.

Qian, S.S., C.A. Stow, A.F. Nojavan, J. ✝Stachelek, Y. Cha, I. Alameddine, and P.A. Soranno. 2019. The implications of Simpson’s paradox for cross-scale inference among lakes. Water Research.


Buford, M.A., C.C. Carey, D.P. Hamilton, J. Huisman, H.W. Paerl, S.A. Wood, and A. Wulff. 2019. “Effective Approaches to Improve Prediction of the Impacts of Global Change on Cyanobacteria.” Krakow, Poland: International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria.

Carey, C.C. 2018. “The Causes and Effects of Cyanobacterial Blooms in Low-Nutrient Lakes: A Catalyst for Community Engagement.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Carey, C.C. 2018. “Quantifying the Effects of Climate and Management on Ecosystem Dynamics in Drinking Water Reservoirs.” Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech.

Carey, C.C. 2018. “Integrating Research, Training, and Community: A Limnological Journey.” Victoria, British Columbia: Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO).

Carey, C.C., and K.J. Farrell. 2019. “Integrating Simulation Modeling into Undergraduate Aquatic Ecology Courses Increases Students’ Understanding of Global Change on Lakes.” St. Juan, Puerto Rico: Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO).

Carey, C.C., A.L. Hetherington, R.J. Figueiredo, and P.C. Hanson. 2016. “GRAPLE: GLEON Research and PRAGMA Lake Expedition.” Lunz and Gaming, Austria: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Carey, C.C., Krinos, A.I., K.J. Farrell, J. Sukumar, K. Subratie, A.L. Hetherington, P.C. Hanson, and R.J. Figueiredo. 2017. “Simulation Modeling Reveals Non-Linear Lake Water Quality Responses to Climate and Land Use Change.” Portland, OR: Ecological Society of America.

Carey, C.C., and N.K. Ward. 2017. “Overview to CNH-Lakes Project, Sunapee Modeling, and Data.” Sunapee, NH: Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA).

Carey, C.C., and N.K. Ward. 2016. “Overview to CNH-Lakes Project, Sunapee Modeling, and Data Collection.” Sunapee, NH: Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA).

Cottingham, K.L., C.C. Carey, H.A. Ewing, M.L. Greer, and K.C. Weathers. 2019. “The Net Effects of Stratification and Mixing on Cyanobacteria across the Complete Life Cycle.” Salt Lake City, UT: Society of Freshwater Science.

Farrell, K.J. 2018. “Interacting Effects of Climate and Land Use on Nutrient Cycling in Eutrophic and Oligotrophic Lakes.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Farrell, K.J., C.C. Carey, A.I. Krinos, N.K. Ward, P.C. Hanson, R.J. Figueiredo, V. Daneshmand, and K. Subratie. 2018. “Increasing Air Temperatures Differentially Alter Intra- and Inter-Annual Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycling in a Eutrophic and an Oligotrophic Lake.” New Orleans, LA: Ecological Society of America.

Fitchett, L., M.G. Sorice, and K.J. Boyle. 2018. “The Roles of Volunteer Organizations in Water Management: A Case Study of Lake Associations.” Pittsburgh, PA: Universities Council on Water Resources.

Fitchett, L., Sorice, M.G., Boyle, K.J. Exploring how lake associations contribute to governance of lakes and their catchments. 2019 National Environment & Recreation Research Symposium; Annapolis, MD; April 7-9, 2019.

Hanson, P.C. 2017. “Crossing Boundaries.” Brisbane, Australia: Numerical modelling of lakes and reservoirs conference.

Hanson, P.C. 2017. “Integrated Catchment Modeling for Lake Water Quality.” Madison, WI: Water@UW.

Hanson, P.C., H.A. Dugan, and C.J. Duffy. 2017. “The Age of Water and Carbon in Lake Catchments: A Simple Dynamical Model.” Portland, OR: Ecological Society of America.

Hanson, P.C., A.B. Stillman, C.C. Carey, X. Jia, and V. Kumar. 2019. “Improved Understanding and Prediction of 37 Years of Surface Water Phosphorus Dynamics Using Theory Guided Machine Learning.” St. Juan, Puerto Rico: Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO).

Hanson, P.C., A.B. Stillman, H.A. Dugan, J. Xiaowei, and V. Kumar. 2018. “Predicting and Explaining Phosphorus Dynamics in Lake Mendota Using Process Guided Machine Learning.” Wisconsin, MI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Henson, V.R. 2019. “The Project Manager’s Role in Interdisciplinary Research.” Intereach.

Henson, V.R. et al. 2019. “Managing Interdisciplinary Teams: Lessons Learned from Coupled Natural and Human Systems Modeling in Lake Catchments.” Lansing, MI: International Network for the Science of Team Science.

Henson, V.R., and K.M. Cobourn. 2019. “Project Management in Ecology and Related Sciences.” Ecological Society of America Early Career Section.

Henson, V.R., K.M. Cobourn, and C.C. Carey. 2018. “From Concept to Practice to Policy: Modeling Coupled Natural and Human Systems in Lake Catchments.” Pittsburgh, PA: Universities Council on Water Resources.

Hounshell, A.G., K.J. Farrell, and C.C. Carey. 2019. “Macrosystems EDDIE: Using Hands-on Teaching Modules to Build Computational Literacy and Water Resources Concepts in Undergraduate Curricula.” San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union.

Lofton, M.E., T.H. Leach, B.E. Beisner, and C.C. Carey. 2019. “Seasonal Variation in Top-down versus Bottom-up Control of Phytoplankton Vertical Distribution in North Temperate Lakes.” St. Juan, Puerto Rico: Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO).

Nowosad, J., A. Teucher, J. Stachelek, R. Cotton, and C. Vitolo. 2017. “The State of Data on CRAN: Discovering Good Data Packages.” Los Angeles, CA: rOpenSci.

Smallen, S., P.C. Hanson, C.C. Carey, N. Williams, J. Beach, and R.J. Figueiredo. 2018. “PRAGMA Expeditions: International Collaborations Bridging Applications to Cyberinfrastructure for the ‘Long Tail’ of Science.” Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure.

Stachelek, J., C.C. Carey, K.M. Cobourn, S.M. Collins, A.R. Kemanian, T. Wagner, K.C. Weathers, W. Weng, and P.A. Soranno. 2019. “Analysis of 500 Lake Catchments Reveals the Relationship between Crop Type, Fertilizer and Manure Inputs and Lake Nutrient Concentrations.” Louisville, KY: Ecological Society of America.

Stachelek, J., and P.A. Soranno. 2018. “Does Lake and Stream Connectivity Control Phosphorus Retention in Lakes?” Victoria, British Columbia: Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO).

Stachelek, J., and P.A. Soranno. 2017. “Does Connectivity Control Lake Phosphorus Retention?” New Paltz, NY: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Ward, N.K., J.A. Brentrup, D.C. Richardson, K.C. Weathers, and C.C. Carey. 2019. “Horizontal Variability in Lake Metabolism to Prioritize Watershed Locations for Nutrient Runoff Reduction.” Burlington, VT: North American Lake Management Society.

Ward, N.K., J.A. Brentrup, D.C. Richardson, K.C. Weathers, and C.C. Carey. 2019. “Spatial Variability in Lake Metabolism May Be an Early Indicator of Ecosystem Change Due to Localized Stream Loading.” Louisville, KY: Ecological Society of America.

Ward, N.K., and C.C. Carey. 2016. “Sunapee GLM: Personal Introduction and Future Research Ideas.” Sunapee, NH: Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA).

Ward, N.K., B. Steele, K.C. Weathers, K.L. Cottingham, H.A. Ewing, P.C. Hanson, R. Wood, J. Fitcher, and C.C. Carey. 2017. “Identifying Early Warning Indicators of Eutrophication to Inform Realworld Management: Engaging Long-Term Datasets, Ecosystem Modeling, Committed Citizen Scientists, and Remote Sensing.” Gainesville, FL: PRAGMA.

Ward, N.K., B. Steele, K.C. Weathers, K.L. Cottingham, H.A. Ewing, P.C. Hanson, R. Wood, J. Fitcher, and C.C. Carey. 2018. “Connecting Water and People.” Sunapee, NH: Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA).

Ward, N.K., B. Steele, K.C. Weathers, K.L. Cottingham, H.A. Ewing, P.C. Hanson, R. Wood, J. Fitcher, and C.C. Carey. 2017. “Identifying Early Warning Indicators of Eutrophication in an Oligotrophic Lake with Messy Data, Ecosystem Modeling, Committed Citizen Scientists, and Remote Sensing to Inform Real-World Management.” Portland, OR: Ecological Society of America.

Ward, N.K., B. Steele, K.C. Weathers, K.L. Cottingham, H.A. Ewing, P.C. Hanson, R. Wood, J. Fitcher, and C.C. Carey. 2018. “Land Use versus Climate Drivers of Phytoplankton Biomass in an Oligotrophic Lake.” New Orleans, LA: Ecological Society of America.

Ward, N.K., B. Steele, K.C. Weathers, K.L. Cottingham, H.A. Ewing, P.C. Hanson, R. Wood, J. Fitcher, and C.C. Carey. 2018. “Land Use versus Climate Drivers of Phytoplankton Production in an Oligotrophic Lake.” Pittsburgh, PA: Universities Council on Water Resources.

Ward, N.K., B. Steele, K.C. Weathers, K.L. Cottingham, H.A. Ewing, P.C. Hanson, R. Wood, J. Fitcher, and C.C. Carey. 2018. “Land Use versus Climate Drivers of Algal Production in an Oligotrophic Lake: It Depends on Season.” Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech.

Ward, N.K., B. Steele, K.C. Weathers, K.L. Cottingham, H.A. Ewing, P.C. Hanson, R. Wood, J. Fitcher, and C.C. Carey. 2017. “Improving Lake Water Quality with Citizen Scientists, High-Frequency Sensors, and Ecosystem Modeling.” New Paltz, NY: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Weathers, K.C. 2017. “Ecological Puzzles and a Passion for Lakes: Cyanobacteria, Sensors, Citizens, and Scientists.” Saskatoon, Canada: University of Saskatchewan.

Weng, W., and K.J. Boyle. 2018. “Using Machine Learning to Uncover Hedonic Regressors.” Vail, CO: Colorado University.

Weng, W., K.J. Boyle, K.J. Farrell, C.C. Carey, K.M. Cobourn, S. Brahma, H.A. Dugan, P.C. Hanson, N.K. Ward, and K.C. Weathers. 2018. “Coupling Water Quality Numerical Simulation and Hedonic Models to Evaluate the Impacts of Changes in Nutrient Loading.” Washington, D.C.: Agriculture and Applied Economics Association.

Weng, W., K.J. Boyle, K.J. Farrell, C.C. Carey, K.M. Cobourn, H.A. Dugan, P.C. Hanson, N.K. Ward, and K.C. Weathers. 2018. “Coupling Lake Water Quality and Hedonic Modeling to Evaluate the Effects of Nutrient Loading.” Wisconsin, MI: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences.

Weng, W., K.J. Boyle, K.J. Farrell, C.C. Carey, K.M. Cobourn, S. Brahma, H.A. Dugan, P.C. Hanson, N.K. Ward, and K.C. Weathers. 2019. “Coupling Lake Water Quality and Hedonic Modeling to Evaluate the Effects of Nutrient Loading.” Geneseo, NY: SUNY Geneseo School of Business.

Weng, W., K.J. Boyle, K.J. Farrell, C.C. Carey, K.M. Cobourn, S. Brahma, H.A. Dugan, P.C. Hanson, N.K. Ward, and K.C. Weathers. 2018. “Coupling Lake Water Quality Numerical Simulations and a Hedonic Model to Evaluate the Impacts of Changes in Nutrient Loading.” Pittsburgh, PA: Universities Council on Water Resources.

Posters and more


Brentrup, J.A., N.K. Ward, C.C. Carey, K.L. Cottingham, D.A. Bruesewitz, D.C. Richardson, and K.C. Weathers. 2019. “A Comparison of Three Winters of Under-Ice Ecosystem Metabolism Estimates Reveals High Variability in under-Ice Net Ecosystem Production.” Huntsville, Ontario, Canada: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Carey, C.C., K.J. Farrell, and A.G. Hounshell. 2019. “Macrosystems EDDIE: Building Computational Literacy and Macrosystems Ecology Knowledge through Hands-on Teaching Modules.” Boulder, CO: NSF Macrosystems.

Carey, C.C., A.G. Hounshell, and K.J. Farrell. 2019. “Integrating Simulation Modeling into Undergraduate Aquatic Ecology Courses Increases Students’ Understanding of Global Change on Lakes.” Huntsville, Ontario, Canada: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Cobourn, K.M., C.C. Carey, K.J. Boyle, C.J. Duffy, H.A. Dugan, K.J. Farrell, L. Fitchett, et al. 2018. “Modeling Coupled Natural and Human Systems in Lake Catchments Reveals Feedbacks among Land-Management Decisions, Water Quality Degradation, and Altered Property Values.” Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union.

Cobourn, K.M., A.R. Kemanian, W. Weng, and C. White. 2018. “Integrated Modeling of Nutrient Cycling and Economic Decision Making Predicting Land Use, Fertilizer Application and Environmental Outcomes.” Sunapee, NH: Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA).

Farrell, K.J., and C.C. Carey. 2018. “Macrosystems EDDIE: Building Computational Literacy and Macrosystems Ecology Knowledge through Hands-on Teaching Modules.” Rottnest Island, Australia: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Farrell, K.J., C.C. Carey, A.I. Krinos, N.K. Ward, P.C. Hanson, R.J. Figueiredo, V. Daneshmand, and K. Subratie. 2018. “GRAPLEr Platform Accelerates Whole-Ecosystem Simulation Modeling to Increase Understanding of Climate Change Impacts on Lake Nutrient Cycling.” Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan: PRAGMA.

Hanson, P.C., A.B. Stillman, C.C. Carey, X. Jia, and V. Kumar. 2019. “Theory-Guided Data Science Improves Understanding and Predictions of Lake Phosphorus Dynamics.” Louisville, KY: Ecological Society of America.

Henson, V.R., K.M. Cobourn, and C.C. Carey. 2018. “From Concept to Practice to Policy: Modeling Coupled Natural and Human Systems in Lake Catchments.” New Orleans, LA: Ecological Society of America.

Hetherington, A.L., C.C. Carey, K.M. Cobourn, R.J. Figueiredo, and P.C. Hanson. 2016. “Modeling Effects of Human Decision-Making on Lakes in Coupled Human Natural Systems.” Lunz and Gaming, Austria: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Lofton, M.E., W.S. Beck, R. Bhattacharya, J.A. Brentrup, L.S. Brighenti, S.H. Burnet, I.M. McCullough, et al. 2019. “Development of State-Space Bayesian Models for near-Term Forecasts of Phytoplankton Blooms in a Large, North Temperate Lake.” Washington, D.C.: Ecological Forecasting Initiative Conference.

Lofton, M.E., J.A. Brentrup, W.S. Beck, R. Bhattacharya, L.S. Brighenti, S.H. Burnet, I.M. McCullough, et al. 2019. “Near-Term Forecasts of Cyanobacterial Blooms in a Large, Oligotrophic Temperate Lake: Identifying Sources of Uncertainty.” Huntsville, Ontario, Canada: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Stachelek, J., Rodriguez L., Soranno P.A. 2019. Spatial patterning and prediction of lake depth at continental scales. Poster Presentation at the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network Meeting, Huntsville, ON, CA. Nov 6 2019.

Ward, N.K., J.A. Brentrup, D.C. Richardson, K.C. Weathers, A. Johnson, and C.C. Carey. 2018. “Linking Spatially Explicit Lake Metabolism to Spatially Heterogeneous External Nutrient Loading.” Perth, Australia: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Weng, W., K.J. Boyle, C.C. Carey, K.J. Farrell, P.C. Hanson, H.A. Dugan, K.M. Cobourn, N.K. Ward, and K.C. Weathers. 2018. “Coupling Water Quality Numerical Simulation and Hedonic Models to Evaluate Impacts of Changes in Nutrient Loading.” Sunapee, NH: Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA).



Nowosad, J., A. Teucher, J. Stachelek, R. Cotton, and C. Vitolo. 2017. “The State Of Data On CRAN: Discovering Good Data Packages.” Zenodo.

Stachelek, J., C. Ford, D. Kincaid, K. King, H. Miller, and R. Nagelkirk. 2017. “The National Eutrophication Survey: Lake Characteristics and Historical Nutrient Concentrations.”

Databases on provide hourly resolution NLDAS climate data, water level data, and water quality observational datasets for the three focal catchments.

Software or Netware

Hollister, J., and J. Stachelek. 2016. “Lakemorpho: Lake Morphometry Metrics in R.” 

Stachelek, J. 2018. streamnet: Morphology analysis of stream networks. R Package. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2549737 

Stachelek, J. 2019. “nhdR: Tools for Working with the National Hydrography Dataset.”  R package.

Stachelek, J. 2019. gssurgo: Python toolbox enabling an open source gSSURGO workflow. Python toolbox.


Dodson, L. 2016. “Statistical Relationships between Observational Water Quality and Catchment Agricultural Intensity in Rural Maine.” Blacksburg, VA.

Fitchett, L. 2019. “The Roles of Local Organizations in Collaborative Resource Governance: A Qualitative Case Study of Lake Associations.” Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech.

Hart, J.A. 2017. “Greenhouse Gas Formation and Organic Carbon Dynamics in a Eutrophic Lake.” Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Shu, L. 2017. “Impacts of Urbanization and Climate Change on the Hydrological Cycle: A Case Study in Modern and Ancient Land Use Change.” State College, PA: Penn State University.

Weng, W. 2019.  “Essays on Water Policy and Coupled Human and Natural Systems. ” Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech